Friday, February 27, 2009

A year ago today

My grandmother died a year ago today. This was the eulogy I wrote for her the night before her funeral.

Granny’s Eulogy

I had originally planned to speak primarily about the amazing life my grandmother led, about the places she’s gone and the things she’s done. She did lead an extraordinary life. She saved lives on the Rescue Squad, traveled to the Holy Land with Pop-Pop many times. She helped Mother Theresa in Calcutta, and played music in prisons for the inmates. She and Pop-Pop were pioneers in the video industry. All these adventures were a major part of her life, but they don’t quite give the full picture of who she was, because who she was to me can be found a lot closer to home.

My grandmother was the heart of our family. She was the star around which we all revolved. The times spent in her home are some of my most cherished memories. She was generous, loving, compassionate, funny, creative, and patient. She was generous with her time, always willing to sit and talk with anyone who needed her, or who just wanted to pass the hours chatting and drinking a cup of coffee. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend. She was giving and compassionate to those in need both oceans away and in her own town. She had a wonderful sense of humor and loved to laugh. She was a talented artist, writer, seamstress and musician. There was nothing she couldn’t do well if she wanted to do it. And with a house often overflowing with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, she was always patient and always ready to welcome even more into her home.

My grandmother was also a fantastic cook. She was famous for her meatballs and spaghetti sauce, her stuffing and salad, and my favorites- her doughball soup and apple pie. I looked forward to her doughball soup all year. She could make anything taste heavenly and leave people talking about her food for years to come.

She was also fondly referred to by her family as The Gadget Queen, and her kingdom was supplied by QVC. She would often call to tell me about her latest acquisition. “Nicole, guess what I just ordered?” she’d say, and proceed to tell me about some great new item that slices, dices, stirs, fries, washes the dishes, and folds the laundry. Well, maybe not all that, but if they did make it, she’d have it. If she liked it enough, soon we would all have it too. QVC will likely be retiring her number now.

The memories that I will hold dearest are the times I spent just being with her, not really doing anything. Watching her bake beautiful cakes or sew at the table, staying up until 2am watching Katherine Hepburn movies, or just talking for hours about her childhood. Just being in her presence was the best gift she ever gave me.

My grandmother touched so many lives in her 79 years, and every one of those lives are better for it. She truly made this world a brighter place, and she will be missed every moment of every day. I was so blessed to have her as my grandmother, and I am so proud to be her granddaughter. I love you Granny, always.


-Doug Brunell (America's Favorite Son) said...

Beautiful. I want to read the other one you did, too. I forgot to mention that in the e-mail.

She would've loved this. Maybe I'll share the one I did for my dad, which was never read. Court couldn't do it. (Not thrilled about that.)

You made her proud. You know that, right?

Queen Slug said...

That was beautiful.