Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Selling passion

I suck at this whole blogging thing, and keeping up with it. I gave fair warning though, I would be all into it for about a month, then start to dwindle off. I am back with a renewed dedication. That should last about a week. I had a busy month, and my internet access has been rather intermittent lately (got into a fight with a Verizon tech guy, but that's a whole other story). I filed for divorce! Yay! I'm so excited. Of course, I have no clue if I did it right. I wont know until I don't get a divorce basically. I can call, and maybe they can tell me if everything is going through, but maybe they cant. Although, I was given a covert nod that the papers looked okay, so I'm optimistic. I sent papers my husband, he promised to sign them, and I've finished typing up the remaining forms. If all goes well, I'll be divorced shortly after my birthday, which is at the end of July. Happy Birthday to me. Seriously, I'm throwing a party. I think he will too though, so at least we're finally on the same page.

The husband has a new girlfriend, one that I actually approve of. Not that it's any of my business, but I figure if eventually he's going to take Jacob for a visit, then I'd rather have him dating a nice woman with a Master's Degree rather than a girl in jail for selling meth. Yes, Meth Girl was an option, I'm not making that up. So he's moving on, I've moved on, we're all happy, or on our way to happy.

I still can't find a freaken job. Why is it so damn hard to find someone who will hire me? I can't even get a goddamn interview, and it's starting to piss me off. I'm a good employee, these people don't know what they're missing. Screw them. I'm thinking about selling sex toys with my friend. Why not? There are lots of lonely people out there in need of battery operated boyfriends, right? Heck, even the not so lonely like a few enhancements now and then. It's better than prostitution, right?

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