Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dead Things

"They" say bad things come in threes, right? Well, apparently dead things come that way too. This afternoon, I found a dead bird laying in the middle of my living room. I scooped it up, tossed it over the fence, and went upstairs. Two hours later, I went down and found a dead chipmunk laying on my floor, my dog Cooper looking really proud. I thanked him for his efforts at feeding me, assured him I could survive on the stuff in the freezer and pantry, then tossed it over the fence. This evening, I came out into my mom's kitchen (I live in the downstairs apartment) and found yet another dead bird. So that should be it, right? No more dead things for a while?

I'm wondering if it's some sort of freaky omen or something. I'm generally not all that superstitious, but things have been kind of off lately all over the place in my life. I've been feeling low, anxious, and sad quite a bit. I miss my grandparents more and more every day. I thought it would get better with time, but it's not. I'm scared about not having a job, stressing about money on a daily basis. I'm frustrated with my current situation and inability to figure out how to make it better. Life has gotten harder than I ever imagined it could, and I'm just trying to deal with it the best I can. Then dead things turn up all over the house. Does it have a deeper meaning? According to my superstitions book, a bird in the house means death. If it's dead though, does it mean the opposite? Of course I'm looking too much into this. It could just mean I have too many cats. I'm feeling rather melancholy though, and I've always been prone to random depression in the summer months. It's just too darn bright and cheery out.

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