Friday, July 10, 2009

Catching up

I've been ignoring this blog lately because I've been working on another project and trying to survive day to day with the crap hand I've been dealt. Also because no one really reads it anyway, so it's not likely to be missed. Still, I like to actually write my random thoughts out every now and then, so I'll keep up with it for a few days before I wander off again.

It's summer, which is a bad time for me because of that whole reverse SAD crap. I can't just have normal SAD like everyone else, I have to be miserable in the summer. It's the whole extra daylight crap. The sun and I have never been good friends. Just to make sure I haven't forgotten this, the rotten prick burned the hell out of my shoulders despite liberal use of sunscreen. I am painfully peeling. Not attractive at all. So of course I get more depressed when the bastard stays in the sky for an extra three to four hours. Who wouldn't? That is way too much daylight for any person to have to endure. Because of it, I get massively depressed come four PM, when it's supposed to be getting dark out. This continues until I go to bed.

But Jake seems to like summer. The carnivals, the park, his new-found love of the beach (between this and his dislike of pasta, if he didn't look so much like me, I'd have to question the hospital to ensure there wasn't some sort of baby-switching fiasco going on), staying up later because I can hardly convince him that it's time for bed if the damn sun is still shining. He loves it. Although he's suddenly decided that the pool is an evil entity, AFTER we got season passes. So while he's awake, I make an effort to hide my disdain for the season. But being broke this year, it's a lot harder to pretend I'm happy. I can't take him to half the places he wants to go. There will be no water park, no Dorney park, no daily runs for milkshakes. It makes me sad. I hate telling him "sorry baby, we don't have the money for that."

So I'll be much happier when summer is over and it's too cold to do anything. Also, once October comes, I'm that much closer to having a job again, even if only for six weeks. I went off on some random tangent here, I'm not sure what my original point was. Once again, I'll try to keep up with this blog for a week or so at least, but beyond that I make no promises. Sometimes I do just run out of things to say, or just don't care enough to say them.

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